Issue Number 208 |
P.O. Box 189, Moffett Field, CA 94035-0189 |
Avoiding "SAR" While IFRMost pilots may believe that the meaning of "clearance void time" is pretty obvious--the time after which a given IFR clearance is not longer valid. But there is more to know about the phrase, as this flight instructor learned:
Section 5-2-4 (Departure Procedures) of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) offers this clarification: "A pilot who does not depart prior to the clearance void time must advise ATC as soon as possible of their intentions... This time cannot exceed 30 minutes. Failure of an aircraft to contact ATC within 30 minutes after the clearance void time will result in the aircraft being considered overdue and search-and-rescue [SAR] procedures initiated." Another instance when search-and-rescue procedures may be initiated is described by our next reporter, who mistakenly believed that a VFR flight plan could be "converted" to an IFR flight plan en route without first closing the VFR flight plan segment:
Section 6-2-7 of the AIM offers these cautions in filing VFR flight plans: "If you land at a location other than the intended destination, report the landing to the nearest FAA FSS and advise them of your original destination... The pilot is responsible for closure of a VFR...flight plan; they are not closed automatically."
See-and-Avoid While IFRWhenever the pilot of one aircraft can see another aircraft, the see-and-avoid-concept applies. FAR 91.113(b) explains: "...When weather conditions permit, regardless of whether an operation is conducted under instrument flight rules or visual flight rules [ASRS emphasis], vigilance shall be maintained by each person operating an aircraft so as to see and avoid other aircraft." One reason for this regulation is that ATC radar coverage has limitations, and may fail to display ("paint") some VFR traffic. These radar limitations may make it impossible for the controller to issue timely traffic advisories. An ASRS report from an air carrier flight crew provides a vivid example of how important the see-and-avoid concept is, even under instrument flight rules:
Kudos to the First Officer for see-and-avoid vigilance during the TCAS evasive maneuver.
Customs North and SouthA fly-it-yourself trip across the Canadian or Mexican border can be a pleasant expedition, if the pilot is knowledgeable about all the details for clearing U.S. Customs both going and coming back. Some ASRS reporters share their Customs confusion--and their misfortunes.
Pilots who file their flight plans from Canada may proceed to the first U.S. airport of intended landing--as long as the airport has Customs services, and the required Customs notifications are made. However, pilots arriving from south of the Mexican border or the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, or Atlantic coastlines must adhere to special reporting requirements, which specify Customs notification at the "nearest designated airport" to U.S. border crossing. The U.S. Customs Service offers a pamphlet with additional information, U. S. Customs Guide for Private Flyers. It may be mail-ordered from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC, 20402 -9328. The GPO Internet site for ordering documents is: http:/ Our next reporter, en route to the U.S. from Mexico, encountered stronger headwinds than expected over the Gulf of Mexico, and was forced to land short of the originally filed point-of-entry. In this incident, the pilot's "notification" to Customs didn't meet the requirements specified above.
ADCUS Not Fail-Safe
Although a pilot may include an "Advise Customs" (ADCUS) message in the remarks section of the pre-departure flight plan, this method may not be as timely or reliable as direct communications by telephone or radio. Since it is ultimately the pilot's responsibility to ensure proper notification, it is advisable that pilots contact Customs directly.
Last year about this time, we reported an incident involving mud daubers, wasplike insects with a penchant for building nests in generally inaccessible places in aircraft. A recent report to ASRS provides an even more dramatic mud-dauber horror story.
An ASRS analyst's callback conversation with the reporter revealed that a mud-dauber nest was found in the fuel tank vent, too far into the vent to be visible during preflight. This problem was exacerbated by a recent paint job, which had left a small amount of paint covering the fuel cap vent. With no air entering the fuel tank from either vent, the tank imploded, damaging the wing. Another reporter ascribed a delay in bringing a local Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS) online to the construction genius of an eight-legged architect:
ASRS Recently Issued Alerts On. |
radar "dead spots" near a North Carolina VORTAC
position of an arresting cable at a NY airport
pitch-up and roll in a B-747A attributed to failed INS
deviation attributed to SA227 runaway stabilizer trim
airspeed indication caused by A-300 pitot heat failure
July 1996 Report Intake | |
Carrier Pilots
1,897 |
Aviation Pilots
784 |
208 |
31 |
TOTAL | 2,920 |